Transient Light
I’ve dragged myself away from this site just long enough to write about it. Transient Light is the site of photographer Ian Cameron and he has the most incredible touch with light, colour and landscape. I particularly love his photographs of Scottish landscapes. However, the picture below which graced the February page of his Transient Light calendar will be gracing my wall far longer than the just-past 28 days. [ok, I’ve gone a bit low-tech as the pictures haven’t appeared on the site]
I have to confess that I do not sufficiently understand photography to know how he captures colours which are so vivid, so real that you can taste the crisp, cool air. I just know it touches something atavistic. [again, low-tech]
Although, I liked the international pictures too.
Be warned though, a search for "Ian Cameron" on Amazon brings some unexpected results and a careless click has polluted my Book Recommendations for the foreseeable future. That wasn’t quite the Low Road I had in mind.