He Shall Have Music Wherever He Goes
Well, maybe that title belongs more to my Zune but finally I am addressing my woeful under-investment in music systems by installing a Sonos system at home. I originally learned about Sonos from Bill Hilf’s blog and, whilst I can’t fully subscribe to passion for Styx (the band, not the place, who may have successful charted the very depths of American FM rock – all melody and sanitiser. Do I remember a guitarist in a sparkly purple body-stocking or is that just a bad nightmare?), it is a very cool concept. With all my music (oh, and Janet’s collection of Supertramp and James’ War of the Worlds CD – UUUUUUULLLAAAAAH) stored on my home PC, the system wirelessly networks across the house and gives me any track I like in any room I like, along with digital radio stations. So, let’s see:
- In the kitchen, maybe the upbeat, off the wall rhythms of Floyd Vincent & The Childbrides
- My current new favourite Live in the living room. Loud, passionate, anthemic…and seemingly unheard of in the UK.
- For the dining room, something a little more restrained. How about that all-time classic, Roy Harper’s Stormcock or maybe, even better, a bit of John Martyn, Solid Air is still magnificent but actually I’d go for One World with the beautiful, ethereal Small Hours.
- And for the bedroom, maybe drift off to the so-laid-back-you-have-trouble-seeing-over-your-pelvis (with due deference to the wit and wisdom of the late Douglas Adams) vibes of J.J. Cale.
Anyhow, reality bites back and I need to be patient. The Sonos units are piled in my music room awaiting the point where my new PC, me and Mr Digital Living Solutions all meet up again in the same place, probably early September.
I can’t wait.