Beaumont Street Beat…Or the Return of Donut Boy


My dearest and oldest friend has just bought himself a CD store (website currently under development).  It should be the perfect match; aside from being a very fine business manager who’s built a career in Oz by turning around a range of hospitality businesses (clubs, hotels, conference centres and bars), he has an encyclopaedic knowledge of that musical genre known as "Weird Shit".


Now that he can lay claim to owning 30,000 CDs, I can’t hope to beat him on quantity, merely on quality.

Does anyone remember that old Gary Larson Far Side cartoon?  There’s the owner of a donut store scratching his head and saying, "Shoot, I can’t figure it out.  I’m shifting 1,500 a day and still only scraping by."  In the background – as only Gary Larson could draw – is a 25 stone kid in an apron sweeping the floor.

If you happen to find yourself in Newcastle, New South Wales, drop in, buy some Chillum and say hi to Donut Boy.


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