Politics and the Professional Mindset – @SPressfield

A timely (for the UK) post from Steven Pressfield:

“Candidates for office in all lands and in every century make the same promise to the voters they hope to attract: ‘I will get you what you want and it will cost you nothing.'”

But, it’s more important than simply a political health warning. That thinking is exactly the opposite of the professional mindset:

“The professional is immune to politician-type promises, whether they come to her from the outside or from within her own head. She recognizes them for what they are.

Instead she tells herself, Whatever I want, whatsoever problems confront me and my family, no one is going to solve them but me. The only way I will change my circumstances for the better is through good sense and hard work.”

Essential reading for the independent professional, and probably for everyone else, too. The full post is here.

Image copyright Steven Pressfield