Exploring Interim Management – IIM

Having seen some of the early work in progress, I am very excited that the Institute of Management has now launched its Exploring Interim Management course.

Anyone with a freelance or portfolio lifestyle knows that starting out is a massive decision:  not only do you need to understand whether there is broad demand for your particular skills and experience but you also need to decide whether you can (and want to) run your own small imagebusiness in tandem with caring deeply about delivering excellence for your client in your particular arena of skill.  Do you want to do VAT returns?  Fix your own PC? When it dies.  At midnight.  With an immovable deadline the next day.  Do you want to realise you’ve run out of printer ink at 11:00 at night?  And even if you are a marketer by profession, can you sell your own business offering?

Equally, do you want to embrace all of the hassle for the sheer joy of independence?  For the freedom and flexibility and variety which interim management, or any other form of freelancing offers?

The IIM course covers market, lifestyle, mechanics, channels to market and a host of other considerations in a valuable, exploratory style which should be of enormous value to anyone interested in whether this is the route for them.

Full details of the course are on the IIM’s site, here.  The next date is 14th October in London.