Personal Technology – Economist / Register

A couple of interesting reports this week which explore different aspects of the Consumerisation of IT.

The Register reports on the trend from an organisational IT perspective noting that the phenomenon is wider than the perception of sexy smartphones and iPads and that the trend is effectively unstoppable.  Organisations need to accept the trend and build security policies which accommodate the move.

The Economist looks at how the broader trend is developing from smartphones to RFID, tele-health and prevalent Wi-Fi.

Technology, of course, is the huge enabler of sovereign professionals allowing them to deal direct with large client companies across the world.  The consumerisation trend aligns with that other aspect of loosened constraints: the acceptance of different working relationships: full-time employee, part-time employee, temp, contractor, interim and freelancer, all of whom will to some extent make use of their personal (own company) IT in the performance of their role on behalf of the client.

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